Sonntag, 16. November 2008

History of Australia

Referat über History of Australia - Englisch Hausaufgabe.
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16 millionen years ago - Australia was a a part of the continent Gonwana

15 millionen years ago - Gonwana broke into different parts, Australia is one part of this

50000 BC - the waterlevel was about 100-200 metres deeper than today, so the
inhabitants could find a way to Australia over a chain of islands
between Asia

200AD - mystic stories were spread of the big country

17th century - dutch explorers landed on the north and west coasts of Australia,
but they don’t settle there

1770 - was the inofficial year of birth of Australia

28th of april 1770 - James Cook landed on this date at Botany Bay
- his task was to clarify the secrets of Australia
- Cook and his crew spent a half year to discover the area of
- he called Eastaustralia “New South Wales”

1778 - the first fleet arrived with 740 prisioners, 122 soldiers 2 germans
( Heinrich Alt und Philipp Schäfer) New South Wales

since 1784 - Australia began to be the country of the outlaws

- Arhtur Phillip based the first colonynational public holiday

1817 - Matthew Flinders called the continent “Australia”

1851 - a lot of gold was found in different parts of Australia
- the biggest mine for gold was in Victoria, there was about one
third of the worldproduction
- the wealth of gold lead to a explosion of the population
- since this time the men have the righ to vote

1868 - no more prisioners were brought to Australia
- the most of the prisioners stay in Australia, they were cheap
labours for this country and contributed to development of the

1.1.1901: - is the birthday of the independent nation

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